Tuesday, June 14, 2011

45. Erasto Bartazari Macha, e-Student.

Hello Erasto,
This is your page that will publish all the info exchange between you and the e-training teach at PROTS.
We are sure you will benefit from this e-learning as you have a firm intention of becoming a Professional Tour Guide but time was not in your favour.
You have been issued a few lectures to start with as follows:
Introduction to Ecology.
Tourism Industry.
Spoken English - A Phrases.
You are required to study them and inform us once you are ready for Home Work and discussions.
This can be done by e-mail, through this page or mobile phones. You are encouraged to report at PROTS once in a while when you have time.
Best regards.
Mwl. Izoba.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Erasto,
    Congratulations for joining this wonderful e-class program.
    Mwl. Izoba
